What is a Carotid Ultrasound?

where-is-carotid-arteryA Carotid Artery Ultrasound is a quick and painless, non-invasive test that  is used to examine the structure and function of the carotid arteries.

Your carotid arteries carry oxygen-rich blood to the body, including areas of the face, neck, scalp, and brain and also function as integral parts of your cardiovascular system.

The results of a carotid artery ultrasound can help you and your doctor understand your risk for a stroke.  A stroke can occur when bits of the plaque in your carotid artery break off into the bloodstream.

Carotid Ultrasound examinations are an important part of your overall preventative health care and wellness program.

Where is the Carotid Artery?

Your carotid arteries are found on each side of your neck, right below the angle of your jaw line.  We’ve seen plenty of people on television placing  two fingers on someones neck to check their pulse at the carotid artery.

These two large blood vessels supply oxygenated blood to the large, front part of the brain where thinking, speech, personality, sensory and motor functions reside.